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Unlock the full potential of your benefits program, creating a more fulfilled and motivated workforce.

Your hard work in crafting a benefits strategy only pays off when your people know and value their benefits.

We provide personalized, data-driven communications and custom engagement strategies that connect your workforce to what's important and meaningful.


Core Communications

Our platform's core communications capabilities help you inform and engage your people with their benefits.

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Omni-Channel Engagement

Connect with your people where they want to be met.

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Organizations that successfully integrate their communication channels experience a
25% improvement in overall employee satisfaction.

Campaign Library

Use our library of ready-to-go campaigns to save you time and elevate your employee experience. Here are a few examples: 

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Open Enrollment

This 7-part campaign is your ultimate guide to a successful open enrollment.

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A 7-piece comprehensive resource for compliance awareness.

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Mental Health

Prioritize mental health with a 12-month campaign that fosters a safe culture. 

Organizations that have used our pre-built content have reported a
20% reduction in communication campaign development time

Integrated Educational Videos

Leverage the on-demand video library to educate employees about benefits (also available in Spanish). Here are a few examples:

Organizations that provide easily accessible educational resources see a
15% increase in employee engagement.

Core Engagement Design & Capabilities

More Core Communication capabilities that empower your benefits brand and employee engagement. 

Ready-Made Enrollment Platform Themes

A sample of the enrollment platform theming. Custom themes available.

Mobile-First Engagement Platform

One powerful platform, mobile-first and desktop enabled. All benefit and engagement solutions at your fingertips.


Custom Content & Communications Strategy

Tailored to Your Organization’s Needs

In The Experience Lab, the art of strategic communication meets the innovation of creative design, through our team of experts that specialize in crafting custom content and engagement strategies. We serve as a collaborative partner, working together to enhance your employees’ experience and help you achieve your benefit plan objectives. We’re all about understanding your unique needs and creating messages that truly speak to your people and foster a more connected workforce. 

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Cornerstones of The Experience LAB

Our solution and services extend beyond just creating customized content; The Experience Lab embodies a collaborative partnership with a team of experts specializing in creative design and benefit engagement.



Develop comprehensive communication strategy aligned to your objectives and employee needs


Conceptualize engaging content that resonates with your people
Rocket Ship


Produce and distribute your custom content across channels including email, text, push, video, print, and more

Communications Strategy

Discovery & Development

Our collaboration kicks off with a dynamic strategy workshop that is specifically designed to support your company’s culture, benefits program objectives, and employee engagement needs.

This step is vital for understanding your unique challenges and success benchmarks. Aligning our strategy to your goals is a top priority, and we approach this task with focus and precision. 

During the workshop, we’ll conduct a comprehensive SWOT analysis to identify communication gaps, explore omni-channel opportunities, and define your company’s success metrics. The Experience Lab team will use their expertise in creative design and employee engagement to craft a tailor-made plan to bring your strategy to life. 

Employee Value Proposition and Strategic Framework
During the workshop, our experts guide your team to creating an employee value proposition that demonstrates the unique value you offer your employees. This includes components like benefits, total rewards, career development, and work-life balance, as well as your company’s culture, mission, and core values. Gartner reports that an effective EVP can lower annual employee turnover by as much as 69%.

Strategy and Success Metrics Deep Dive
The Experience Lab team will lead your team through a deep dive into the strategic process of developing and implementing key performance indicators that align with your company’s core objectives. Success metrics not only enable us to monitor the effectiveness of our communications strategies, but they also provide the opportunity to assess and finetune the employee experience and journey on a continual basis.

Action Planning and Execution
Facilitated by our expert consultants who specialize in communications, benefits strategy and engagement, and creative technology, these sessions include interactive brainstorming exercises that foster creative thinking and collaborative problem-solving. The outcome is a robust strategic annual communications plan with actionable steps, prioritized engagement initiatives, customized assets, and clear milestones for achieving short-term and long-term goals.

Continuous Improvement Through Analytics

Quarterly Lab Reports & Recalibrations 

An integral component of The Experience Lab is our team’s direct access to real-time analytics and feedback mechanisms. This invaluable resource empowers us to continuously assess the effectiveness of our communications and engagement strategies, enabling our team to implement data-driven adjustments seamlessly throughout the year.

Harnessing these actionable insights, we curate a Quarterly Lab Report for our clients, encapsulating progress metrics, pivotal insights, and strategic recommendations. This iterative approach ensures a continual enhancement of your employee experience and engagement journey.  


Design & Production Samples

Explore some of our Lab Results

Here's a sample of the custom communications work we can deliver.

Open Enrollment Package

Transform your open enrollment with our comprehensive experiences

Digital Benefit Guide Sample

A sample benefits guide made by the Empyrean creative team.

Benefits Guide in Spanish

A sample of working with multiple languages, including benefits guides.

Custom Videos

A sample of custom video production by the Empyrean creative team.
Partner with Empyrean

Let's Transform Your Benefits Communication

If you’re ready to elevate your benefits communication, we’re here to help. Reach out to us and let’s discuss how we can collaborate to create an effective communication strategy tailored for your team.  

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AI-Enhanced Support

Your employees trust you to provide benefits support they can count on, which is why we’ve integrated artificial intelligence technology into our Service Center operations to empower our team members and improve efficiency.

With AI-enhanced support, our service team is equipped with tools to provide unparalleled service. This means faster response times, more personalized assistance, and an overall smoother experience for you and your employees.

At Empyrean, we bring together cutting-edge technology with a service-first approach. We understand that exceptional service and innovative technology go hand in hand. It’s the balance that helps you foster a healthy and supportive workplace culture and connect your people to life-enriching benefits year-round

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Call Review

AI reviews 100% of calls in real-time to ensure we are staying true to our service-first mission.

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AI-powered listening for faster, high-quality customer support.

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Call Summary

AI-generated case notes to streamline our operations and reduce call hold times.

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AI assistant is available 24/7 to employees to get support when they need it.

Precision Benefits 

Innovative and engaging enrollment process that makes personalization and cost optimization a priority.

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Decision Support

Help your employees find and select benefits that are right for their life situation.

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Plan Review

Provide employees with valuable insights into the performance of their benefits.

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Plan for Care

Prepare your people for different healthcare scenarios, from the expected to unexpected.

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Manage Expenses

Enable your employees to confidently manage and save on their health bills.

Organizations that incorporate AI-driven personalization into their communications experience a
20% increase in employee engagement.  

Success in Action

Real Results, Real Impact 

Hear from our clients about the tangible impact of our communication strategies. These stories showcase the effectiveness of combining our core and custom approaches, delivering real results.